Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Make The Change For A Healthier Lifestyle

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia
A healthier lifestyle has numerous benefits from stimulating your mind and even elimination of toxins from your body. Your decision to make a healthier life style change should come about when you find yourself constantly exhausted and probably over weight or stressed by your daily routine. Whatever the reasons maybe you need to prepare yourself spiritually and psychologically to commit to the changes you will make throughout your Healthier lifestyle journey. Take the first step and
write out a list of what you would like to change and what you would like to achieve. Then write out some of the things you can do to achieve your desired goals. You do not have to overwhelm yourself by committing to all the changes at once but give yourself a time line of implementing each change.

There are several changes you could make to improve your health or lose weight, some of these include;

1.       You need to start exercising at home, a gym or take up yoga class. ( See New to Yoga)
2.       Walk more and avoid taking a bus or car to the store or work. If your offices are far, then park your car a fifteen or thirty minutes walk away from your offices.
3.       Avoid using the elevator and start taking the stairs.
4.       Drink a lot of water and avoid adding sugar, milk and cream to your coffee or tea.
5.       Ensure you have fruits and vegetables every day with your meals.
6.       Try using brown bread instead of white bread and avocado instead of butter.
7.       Always wash your hands with soap and water regularly. 
8.       Avoid fast food or greasy foods and start preparing healthier meals at home.
9.       Quit smoking or any bad and unhealthy influence in your life including people.

Be aware of your body and how you feel by keeping a journal to monitor your progress. At the beginning you may get aches and pains from the exercises but they will disappear with time. If they do not, you could be straining your body and will have to adjust your routine. If a healthier life style journey is more for enlightenment try the following;

a)      Read more books instead of browsing the internet or watching movies.
b)      Meditate for 20 minutes every day.
c)       Try turning off your phone from time to time.
d)      Join a class and develop new skills or hobbies.
e)      Avoid placing yourself in stressful situation like being late and start your projects or journeys early.

After some time in your healthier lifestyle you will begin to notice some improvement in your life.  You body will become healthier and better able to fight off diseases as well as lose weight from all the exercise routine and healthier diet. You will even sleep soundly throughout the night and find yourself more relaxed and energetic in the morning. Moreover, in time you would have developed a new skill or be more informed from the classes and books you have read. Finally and most importantly your will be happier!

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