Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Foods That Boost Your Immune System

Meats by Wikimedia

Immunity is your body’s ability to fight off infections, diseases or other unwanted biological invasions while at the same time avoiding allergies or other autoimmune diseases. To maintain a healthy immune system or boost your immune system most doctors recommend exercising, eating healthy as well as avoiding smoking and saturated fats. Some signs and symptoms of a weak immune system include fatigue, rashes, mild fevers, joint pains, hair loss, headaches and reoccurring infections. However to determine whether you have an immune disorder or weak immune system your doctor will perform a blood test. The test will check if you have a healthy amount of infection fighting proteins (immunoglobulin) in your blood as well as your levels of blood cells and immune system cells.

There are simple ways to maintain a healthy immune system and boost your immune system for both adults and children by

·         Regular exercise

·         Washing your hands regularly

·         Avoid smoking and second hand smoke

·         Get enough sleep

·         Avoid over use of antibiotic (only use antibiotics when prescribed by a doctor)

·         Eating a healthy and balanced diet

There certain foods in particular that help boost, maintain and regulate the healthy functions of your body’s immune systems. Foods that boost your immune system or help protect a weak immune system include:

1.      Iron rich foods

Meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, legumes, nuts, seeds, dried fruits and cruciferous vegetables